Carbon footprint of 34 hop varieties updated

2023 crop - carbon footprint of various hop varieties

Hopsteiner has updated a list of the CO2 equivalent emissions (CO2e) of 34 hop cultivars it grows on its farms. Greenhouse gas emissions are associated with the formulation, packaging, and application of multiple inputs, such as such as water, fertilizer, pesticides, and fuel. Hopsteiner measured these inputs by compiling hop production records, cone yields, and alpha-acid yields across multiple varieties to determine the carbon footprint associated with each variety.

This list tracks Hopsteiner proprietary (in bold) as well as public varieties, but not every public variety and not many other proprietary varieties. Those include four of the most grown American varieties — Citra, Mosaic, Simcoe, and HBC 682.

Comparing the new list to one from 2021 illustrates that emissions are crop year dependent. This is agriculture.

Doug Wilson, Hopsteiner director of sales and marketing, cautions that data for Alora and HS16660 is based on limited data. Alora was still an experimental variety last year, so acreage is limited. HS16660 is still experimental, grown in a five-acre yard. Both, however, were selected for disease resistance and yield — two important qualities to lower (CO2e).

Carbon footprint of various hop varieties compared

Related: Some hops are ready for climate change; some are not.

Queries 7.10: Checking the oil, the weather & the outlook

* Market outlook
* Oil check
* Weather updates
* Hop profile: Simcoe
* Additional reading

Welcome to Vol. 7, No. 10. First, if you are reading this, then the transition to EmailOctupus is a success. The newsletter itself may look a little different the next few issues as I learn my way around the software. Second, Best of Craft Beer Awards has signed up to sponsor Hop Queries, helping subsidize getting this in your emailbox. I appreciate that and would welcome another sponsor.

Third, if you wish to contribute as well, you may do that here. What does not go to EmailOctupus will be used to find information hiding behind paywalls. Finally, I have given Hop Queries their own website, to house the archives and occasionally provide new information. Among other additions, I have included a list of resources. Feel free to suggest additions.


My story about why farmers in the Northwest are ready to remove 10,000 acres (about 18 percent of what was harvested last year) from production in 2024 has posted at Brewing Industry Guide (subscription required). Short term, this means there are plenty of hops out there, often at bargain prices.

Read more

Queries 7.9: 2024 acreage will shrink again

* Still too many hops
* Let it snow, let it snow
* Eclipse for an eclipse
* Zumo meets lager
* Cascade, Chinook cup winners

Welcome to Vol. 7, No. 9. Thanks to everybody who reached out last month with thoughts about the future of Hop Queries. There is a plan, and next month you should receive Hop Queries via a different service. What you need to know right now is that no action will be required on your part . . . I hope. To be sure, the day after I send the February issue, I will drop you a note via Tiny Letter to alert you Vol. 7, No. 10 has been published. If you did not receive it, we will figure out what happened. Now, back to Humulus lupulus.


A surplus of hops continues to hang like a dark cloud over producers and suppliers in the Northwest. Last week at the American Hop Convention, John I. Haas CEO Tom Davis told growers that as a group they need to remove an additional 9,000 to 10,000 acres of aroma hops from of production. Idling about 6,000 acres (including approximately 9,000 acres of aroma hops) in 2023 had no meaningful impact on inventory reduction. The estimated 35-to-40-million-pound aroma hop surplus has not changed.

For perspective, farmers in Washington, Idaho and Oregon harvested 60,113 acres in 2022 and 54,318 in 2023. In the Czech Republic, the third largest hop producing country in the world, growers harvest about 12,000 acres, almost all of them planted with aroma varieties.

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